Tuesday 22 November 2016

Education System in Canada

Canada has one of the best & most reputed education systems in the world. Canada has a similar basic structure of the education systems across the country. Education system in every province/territory has three tiers—elementary, secondary, and post-secondary. Each province and territory has exclusive responsibility for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education within its borders.
Canada offers a range of education institutions:
Canada has a large selection of universities located in both urban and rural settings in every region of the country. Canadian universities are largely publicly funded; as a result they are of a consistently high quality, regardless of location or area of study. They offer wide range of degrees from undergraduate to doctorates and can also offer certificates and professional degrees.Canadian  universities are globally known for the high quality of teaching and research. Degrees from Canadian universities are considered to be equivalent to those from American and other Commonwealth universities.The university year usually runs from September to May. Some universities are on a semester or trimester system, with all courses available even in the summer. There is no Canada-wide entrance test: each university sets its own admission standards and assesses the qualifications of each applicant individually.
University Colleges
University Colleges combine Canadian university and college traditions, with a strong base of applied and academic programs offered in campus environments.a university college offers university degrees as well as college diploma and certificate programs. Students have program choices  from wide range of  university degrees as well as college diploma and certificate programs. university colleges are distinguished by their strong student support services, small classes and strong campus environments. University Colleges  also may offer combined degree/diploma programs and university transfer programs.
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